Biofilm In Your Home
Biofilm is on all surfaces around You, Your Family, and Your Pets!
Counters, sinks, toilets, tubs, faucets, refrigerators, stoves, floors...
Remote controls, cell phones, lamps, door knobs, reading glasses, tools, dashboards...
Fruits, vegetables, meats...
Look at these surfaces covered with biofilm…

Cutting boards, silverware, coffee pots, water bottles...
Toys, rattles, baby bottles, pacifiers...
Teeth, skin, catheters, sinuses, implants...

Biofilm is the biggest roadblock to you staying healthy!

P2 Probiotics Are Biofilm’s Biggest Enemy
P2 Probiotics work through something called Competitive Exclusion. This allows the probiotics to compete with the bad bacteria for food, like a scrimmage. P2 probiotics to win the scrimmage by consuming the most food, thus, starving the bad bacteria and stopping them from developing a biofilm shelter. Then P2 Probiotics stand guard and form an ongoing protective barrier of good bacteria to help maintain bacterial balance.

ALL P2 Products eliminate biofilm and help to restore bacterial balance wherever they are applied. This gives YOU the ability to control YOUR bacterial environment where you need it and, in turn, helps to make your immune system stronger.
P2 Probiotic Products Are Imperative to The Future Health of Our Planet!

Our products provide a truly safe, healthy, protective clean. Browse our shop or click the the following links to find Probotics for Allergies, Pets Probiotics, Natural Body Cleaning Probiotics or Probiotic Cleaning Products.