Take P2 Probiotic Power's allergy and sinus protection wherever you go!
Like our larger-sized sprays, this travel size is packed with our hardy P2 spore-based probiotics that eliminate biofilm, target, and break down dust mite excrement and provide probiotic protection wherever you go.
This convenient 2oz bottle fits in your purse, carry-on, or pocket—essential for planes, hotel rooms, and any new environment.
Perfect for quick treatment of immediate surroundings when traveling.
For enhanced results, spray directly into your nose and ears, and on your hands, especially when flying.
Ingredients: Water, EPA & FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) proprietary blend of bacillus soil-spore based probiotics, organic spearmint, organic vanilla, organic glycerin.
8 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Probiotic Power
I can breathe, go outside and work in the garden, sleep all night. This is the best I've felt in the summer in 64 years. Thank you for making this product.
Great product for traveling!!! I freshen up every place we stay in with this.
Helped sinus congestion
I have a lot of sinus congestion and once I started using this my congestion cleared up.
Cured my glossitis
I had glossitis for several months and tried many supplements, probiotics, and other things to cure it. Within 48 hours of starting to use this spray, it was gone!
Helps with Itchy Nose
I moved to the desert 9 years ago, and my allergies went wild. The most annoying symptom was my nose has itched continuously. I went to dermatologists and my primary care doctor. I was given prescription hydro-cortisone, and a number of other medicines that did not work! I was so concerned because I felt like I was damaging my nose from scratching. I finally found this product, and the itching has reduced by 90%! I am so grateful for this product. I only wish I knew if it had preservatives and what type of preservatives. I can take the container with me when I fly, so that is another plus. Relief at last! I would definitely recommend this product. P2 Response: We are so glad our spray helped your itching! We assure you that we use no preservatives in our products and only certified organic ingredients.
Relief at home and on the go
While a fan of several P2 Probiotic Power products, I only ordered I Help You Breathe recently for the first time. I was motivated to place the order for my sister who has been clearing dusty, long-undisturbed spaces in our cousin’s home following his recent passing. Since she has a history of asthma and, like many of us, is facing the current challenges of another bad histamine allergy year, I thought she could use the relief and protection Breathe would give her. And sure enough, it has! Now she’s a fan as well and I will be pressing my full-size bottle into service to create a breathe-easy environment at home swell as on-the-go!
Breathing Easy
I have only been using this product for a short while, but I have noticed a definite improvement in my nasal passages. Once a day after I do a saline rinse I spray this into the air and breathe it in. Usually at this time of year I am stuffy and am stuffed up which usually leads to a sinus infection-antibiotics-etc. So far-no infection, no difficulty keeping airway cleared no post-nasal drip. P2 may be on to something good here!
life savior
My sinuses are always a wreck, but this past six months has been hell. I actually went on an antibiotic for the first time in 3+ years. It took weeks for me to recover from that! I use the spray daily and I'm already starting to see a change. My sinuses aren't as painful and hopefully will make a full recovery!