Transform your home environment with P2 Probiotic Power's advanced cleaning technology!
One cleaner is all you need to maintain naturally clean surfaces in your home environment, saving you money, time, and giving you peace of mind.
Unlike harsh chemical cleaners, our beneficial bacteria safely create surfaces that are truly clean and stay clean for an entire week.
Our probiotics reach places where bleach and disinfectants cannot.
They also remove a microscopic plaque, called biofilm, that makes traditional cleaning efforts ineffective. This plaque feeds and protects harmful bacteria like E. coli, Staph, MRSA, and Salmonella—in other words, P2 probiotics take care of eliminating the things you don't want in your home, and they fortify the existing good bacteria you already have.
Our spore-based probiotics even help to eliminate mold, mildew, and fungus.
So economical - one 12-ounce bottle of concentrate makes 9 gallons of cleaning solution!
Keep a spray bottle in every bathroom and kitchen for easy cleaning of counters, sinks, showers, toilets, and all surfaces.
Perfect for everything from glass, stone, and wood to stainless steel, tile, concrete, laminate, marble, granite, and Formica.
Use throughout your home and beyond - from doorknobs and kids' toys to gym equipment, cars, and garage surfaces.
Ingredients: Water, safe non-allergenic coconut detergent, EPA Safer Choice & FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) proprietary blend of bacillus soil-spore based probiotics, organic spearmint.
46 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Surface Cleaner
Switching my household over to nontoxic cleaners has been easy, this product cleans everything from my vegetables to my windows. I can feel confident that my home is clean and toxic free.
Surface cleaner
It really cleans everything….even glass!!
It works great!
I find the product very effective!
I clean everything rules
I’ve used a couple different probiotic cleaners over the years and I will say this is my favorite! The initial cleaning power is great and the smell of light mint is perfect. I feel my surfaces are truly clean after using this product compared to the others I’ve used that seem to leave a weird film behind.
This is an amazing product and I use it for so many things!!
I continue to appreciate this product every single time I use it. Smells subtly great.
Surface cleaner
I can’t stress enough how wonderful this product is. I use it on cleaning everything now. I have engineered hard wood floors and wow does it make them shine and clean. Knowing no chemicals on them anymore makes life so much better. You should see how it cleans my glass stove top. What an amazing product. Highly recommend to all who don’t like using chemicals for cleaning as myself and knowing what you clean is sanitized .
Cleans Grout Too!
Today my wife tried the All in One Surface Cleaner on the grout in our kitchen. The results were amazing results. She sprayed, let it sit a little while and it came way, way, way cleaner than anything else we've tried including a steam cleaner. We highly recommend this product.
Stuff stays clean for days!
Using this cleaner for about 2 weeks on everything. Counters, appliances, floors, walls, furniture, dishwasher, washing machine, OMG! Everything is so clean has been staying so much cleaner for days. This stuff is miraculous 5D.
This is the best stuff ever! Everything is SO clean!